
In Big Sky Country the drama of light play over mountain peaks is ever changing, always moving. Storms stampede across the horizon. Wind can be perilous, and the snow piles deep. Wildlife visit daily. Life here is spacious and  quiet, but never dull. Of course we are touched by global tragedies and technological advances just like every other place in the US and the world. Our pace can be rugged and hurried if we aren’t mindful.

To be still is a daily, moment-by-moment choice.

I try to choose simplicity and solitude whenever I can so that I might have space to welcome others in, and to send each out with peace upon their leaving.

So, welcome to my kitchen table where Rocky Mountain sunshine streams in. I look forward to your company while exploring stories of becoming in a fashion where appearance and ambition are of little concern. Here we can dare to be known even in the rough. If a post is subpar or boring, no biggie. Take a pass. If these reflections bring life and hope, wonderful. In the meantime, these early drafts sans the glory of graphics and in desperate need of SEO titles and TLC, are straight out of the center of my chest.

Austin Kleon, author of brilliant books like Show Your Work, suggests that if we share what we love, those who love the same things will find us. I’m counting on that. In lieu of comments, please email me at loved@donnaKwallace.com, or copy my blogs—in their entirety—to your blog to share.