49 – If this was my last day

If this was my last day on the planet, what would I do?

I would do precisely this: make crazy love to my husband the night before, snuggle, get up to pee at 6:15 am and then go back for another 15 minutes of snuggle. Then I would get up, pray the hours and read Mateo Cinco en Espanyol (Matthew 5) in Spanish. Freshen up, finish packing, and then take a brisk stroll down Main Street to return library books.

I would then marvel at the azure sky that is so beautiful it makes my heart ache. I would feel the warm sun on my face in counterpoint to the 34° air. I’d smile at passers by while being careful to avoid the panes of icy glass on the sidewalk in the shadows. I would stop in at Bagels Etc and and order a mimosa and a bagel and lox.

“May I see some ID?”

“Why, yes, darling.” Cheers to us!

I’d visit with the beautiful young kids who work there, check email, get a little writing done. Then, I’d cross the street to the Nova Cafe to pick up a Verve Americano before returning to finish my day’s work. I stroll in the sunshine with a downtown neighbor back to the Baxter Hotel. Derek is out walking his old black dog. He moves slowly with the old girl. He says that he mistakes me for college girls around town. “Nice!” I say. And he laughs.

If this was my last day on the planet, I’d do exactly this.